Planning life

It seems that having a concrete plan on the wall, be it a blackboard, a whiteboard, a calendar, or simply a piece of lined paper taped to a cabinet door, helps me to stay focussed.

Because when I don’t have a visual plan to look at, I feel like I start a thousand things, projects or chores, but nothing ever seems to get completed.

I tend to wander aimlessly around the house wondering why I entered this room, or opened that closet, looking at life’s mess and clutter, and I just can’t seem to get it together.

I could blame this lack of propulsion to do something on the fact that the last few weeks of summer vacation are upon us, that the rainless weather is beckoning, that the infant became a toddler overnight, that the 3yo is exhausted by the multiple activities he pursued this summer, that hubby is going on a 6-day fishing trip leaving me with the kids and clutter, but I won’t. Because it’s not them. Not really. It’s everything together, the cumulative effect.

I’m just so tired.

Having said that, there is no better time to look for an organizational planner than in August when the stores are pushing back-to-school propoganda. I’ve made excuses to myself to enter shops specifically to look for the perfect calendar or organizer or planner, but I’ve always left emtpy-handed. Well, not completely empty-handed. I might have a tall latte in one hand, and a lemon poppyseed slice in the other. But a planner, or organizer, doesn’t seem to warrant the purchase for some reason. Either they were too complicated, too reminiscent of past-held jobs, or simply too expensive.

What am I looking for anyway? A large, big-squared calendar-type planner for the whole family to use? Or a smaller one just for me I can put into the diaperbag? Should I stick to the old whiteboard for now? Or use notepad or email or something? Maybe I should get a blackberry….or an iPhone…

Perhaps a lined piece of paper will do just fine, thank you very much.

But where is the lined paper? Now that the basement is mostly finished save a few details, you would think finding paper is the easy part. Except the bins and boxes need to be sorted and put away…where again did I put the paper?

Anyway, I digress. After all, I could, technically speaking, use the back of a bill to make notes on. Happen to have a couple right here next to me that need paying.

I think I’ll go have a cup of tea and a piece of pie while I ponder my situation.