Blogging at Writer Of Words etc

Sometimes we want to reminisce, to see just how far we’ve come in this parenting gig. So, I am putting my Javaline blog on my new blog, so I can refer to it anytime.

Writer of Words, etc…where the saga continues.


Writer of Words, etc. aka Javamom of Javaline Blog


Speeches (or the lack of silence)

You ever feel like you’re sick to death of your own voice? I’m reaching this point for two reasons:

1. I seem to have to repeat Every Single Thing Every Single Time I speak, sometimes more than once.

2. Once I get going with speaking to them, my brain seems to do a fast-track of the seventhousand other things I was thinking about when they were in school and since I’m already speaking to them RIGHT NOW I may as well get it all out.

(…bla bla bla…and as I mentioned this morning you should leave your wet boots ON the tray not beside it since this is a rental house and we don’t want to damage the wood floor….bla bla bla…remember you were supposed to pack your recorder in THIS thing to avoid it breaking again…bla bla bla…who left the shovel in the middle of the walkway this morning I almost broke my neck when I came back from grocery shopping…bla bla bla...)

You would think one can expect an almost 10 year old and a just over 7 year old to keep their attention span ON ME for as long as they seem to be able to keep their attention on Minecraft videos.

You would think. But you would be wrong.

I’m just so tired of all this repetition*. And the ensuing attitude from the younger one especially, but not exclusively, had me regress back to their toddler days and create a naughty chair for her to sit on. Don’t we have enough challenges already? I mean, look: how many years have they been going to school? Do I really need to remind each one separately every single day prior to leaving the house that they MUST BRUSH THEIR TEETH?


Living in a rental house isn’t exactly helping to keep the routine smooth but I did a lot of work to have things in place for them so they can work toward getting themselves ready without my help. Still, it doesn’t seem to be working. Because once I get them out of the house you would think I could expect them to get into the car so we can go to school. But once again, you would be wrong.

They are outside fighting over a snow shovel. Despite the fact that we have two identical ones in different colours. But no. They both want the red one.


I went to Canadian Tire today and bought a third shovel. This one is pink.

Tomorrow I will take a vow of silence. Does anyone do this or is it only monks or other religious people who practice silence?

I think I’m going to give it a try. Might be cathartic for me.

*Repetition does not work, as we all know since we’ve all heard the so-called experts speak. And I know: to get them to do something after you say so, you do not repeat the request, but you get off your ass and make them do it either by pointing, or following them, or collecting their distractions or whatever. But if that time of day is the first time I’m sitting down, or alternately the time of day when something must happen RIGHT NOW OR WE WILL BE LATE, then yelling speaking the command is easier more effective even at the risk of now having everyone agitated.

Struggles between hockey and lego

One thing I miss since the hockey passion has taken up all our head space around here is the children’s lego. We used to, when Ben was younger, sit on the floor and put together entire lego cities complete with fire stations and houses, construction scenes, and many little vehicles for his mini figures. We built buildings and connected streets leading to the police station.  I spent many a Sunday morning, in pjs with my cup of coffee, sorting and playing with him to a point where I considered it my own hobby, too. Then the kids got bigger, the house appeared smaller, and there was less room to spread the lego we built out in the basement rec room. Also the hockey gear needed a place to dry and air out…

hockey trees Continue reading

Packing, moving, renovating

It has been so long since I’ve been on this blog I had to look up the password.

Not sure where to begin since I’m trying to keep it together here, but barely hanging on a thread. We are moving into a tiny shoebox house for a couple of months in two weeks, 2 WEEKS, so the packing post-holidays has begun in earnest. It appears however that things are not quite as overwhelming as I thought, originally, since we do not appear to have quite as much useless stuff as I first assumed, but on the other hand, the way we store some of the stuff we want to keep has me ranting and raging on a regular basis lately.

I must find a way to train the entire family how to be more….orderly. Or something. Continue reading

Broken mirrors

Yesterday morning, the already cracked and broken mirror on the ancient medicine cabinet above the sink fell on top of my 9 year old son’s head.

Thank goodness he was neither hurt, nor cut. When I think of all the blood, or worse, that could have been if that mirror had fallen at an angle…

broken bathroom mirror

Basically what I’m saying is this house is trying to kill us.

(Renovations start in January based on final budgetary calculations.)

I have had no time. I have had no desire to do anything other than feel sorry for myself. I don’t bother cleaning anymore either unless it’s a quick wipe-up or vacuum just to keep my sanity intact a tad longer, but really, the motivation about this house has left me ages ago. And after interviewing and paying for and looking at designs by two architects we finally have made a decision and I think things are going to start rolling.

Right when the snow starts falling.

Right when the regular hockey season is doubling up with both practices and games.

Right when his work is more stressful and occupying than before.

Right before Christmas.

Whatever. Frankly, moving out of here can’t come soon enough. Which just adds another slog of things to the list: get a POD moving storage bin thingy delivered onto the driveway and fill it with essential items (about 25% of what is in this house, the rest….get out of my way while I purge, people, or ELSE…) and look for an apartment to stay in for three months.

Well, then again, maybe we’ll just pitch at tent at the rink…since we hardly ever seem to be anyplace else these days. 🙂